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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  July 13, 2014 7:00am-10:01am PDT

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a deadly hit and run in the north bay leaves police searching for answers. we're live with a update for you. a landlord-tenant dispute leads to gunfire. the world cup final later today. argentina and germany. who will win. we'll have the details next. this is the bay area's news station. kron 4 starts now. good morning, everyone. thank you for joining us here on the weekend. let's get things started off and look at the forecast. good morning. >> we are looking at a foggy start on this sunday morning. and here is a live look this is the bay bridge, you can barely see it. we're seeing patchy drizzle out there as well. i had to use the wipers once
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today. we're seeing the mist out there. san francisco at 54 degrees. oakland 58. san jose. concord 57. santa rosa. highs for today. 69 in san francisco, once the clouds clear out. and the japanese festival today. livermore. it will be hot one inland. a lot of cities will be a little warmer than yesterday. that will continue through tomorrow. we'll talk about how hot it will get for you later. marty. >> thank you. let's get to the news. authorities in the north bay have identified a suspect in the investigation into a fatal hit and run near santa rosa. we're live along petluma hill road. mike? >> good morning to you. marty. the chp is looking for a man who was behind the wheel of a car as it hit and called 21
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year old north of hunter lane. he is wanted for questioning at this point. they identified him as a resident called the authorities to report a vehicle with front end damage. and authorities impounded the vehicle and traced the car back to the individual. they have not found him. this stems from an incident with a chp responded to a body in the road. and authorities say that a 21 year old man was struck and killed by a vehicle heading southbound. there were no witnesses but he heard it. >> i heard this scream. it was like something that you hear on a movie. it was a scream that was blood curtleing. >> this morning we are reaching out to the chp to get a update on the case and a picture of john meskier. when we get that information, we will bring it to you. if you know where he is or
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witnessed the crash to call them as soon as possible. marty. >> and that's mike pelton live. other news, investigators say a fire burning thousands of acres in shasta county was set at an illegal grow site. freddy smoke was at the site when the exhaust ignited the grass. he was arrested saturday on charges of causing the fire. the fire is charred 3000 acres, only 10% contained this morning. and southern california three people are dead, five hurt after a shooting in pasadena. we have video from the scene. it happened saturday afternoon. it led to a standoff. the landlord is among the dead. officers say they came under heavy fire and take cover.
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the officer who was on the scene saw the victim on the sidewalk. the suspect's weapon is a rifle. they took a man in his 30s into cuz toed. and building for the world cup later today. argentina to be the greatest player. and who is the world cup reading scorer. it will beat germany. it starts and there are viewing parties. can you watch the game and can you watch the game on the big screen at saint james park.
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>> i'm thankful for all the people that have been praying for me and keeping my family in their thoughts. >> and a girl who was shot is speaking out about that killed her family. how she survived. and conflict in the middle east hitting close to home for some residents. what they had to say next. >> boat ride is a recipe for disaster for a well known d fomanyit'sbes stggleo ke youa1c wn. so imagine, what ither waa neclasof micinthat works diffentlto lowebloosuga image, ling ur nbers inoducg onceailynvoka® it's the fst oa ne nd opresipti medine that'ssed ong th dt and erci to wer ood sugar indult th te 2 abet. invoka® ia on-dai pil at wks aund e clk to
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1000 people in san francisco spooking out in support of palestine. it is in the wake of renewed violence. israeli support remembers at the rally at the plaza on saturday. and san francisco police had to form a barricade between the
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two sides. this is as the tensions are running high in the middle east. air-strikes are plaguing the region. that november 2012 ceasefire agreement between israel and gaza nullified after the death of four teens which catapulted the region into conflict. we have the latest. hostilities between israel and gaza have increased again, following the killings of three teens and one palestinian teen in the last several weeks. the security council called for a ceasefire between the forces and militants. but the prime minister stated the community will not influence the actions. israel, is quote, containing all options and getting ready for every possible scenario. hamas is attacking us and we are fighting them back. according to the palestinian officials. the death toll from israel is
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more than 100 people with nearly 1000 wounded. so far no israelis have been killed by the rockets from gaza. many have been intercepted by the forces. both sides say they are trying to protect their people they want the fighting to end but into the ser willing to be the first t back town. >> if there was no chance they will fight for their dignity. >> we want to bring quiet so they are not in fear. it has to stop. >> the u.s. has sided with israel during the conflicts. the president spoke with the prime minister and he stressed that the condemnations against israel, he stressed the need for all sides to protect
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civilians and restore calm. >> and we are following the latest over what is happening here at home. and we'll talk to our political reporter about the immigration issue. we'll be right back.
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for the second time in two days, lightning has killed a visitor at rocky mountain national nark colorado. officials say man in a wheelchair was hit at an area
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called rainbow curve a dozen other people were hurt. they did not see the lightning coming. >> and something hit me in the head. and i lost my vision for ten seconds. >> we turned around and kind of assessed the situation there. and you know we went over to the man that was down. and started doing cpr on him. and his shirt was burned. they were trying to help him. >> and on friday a hiker was killed by lightning. seven others in the group were hurt. look at this video from illinois. on the left the heavy rain is causing flooding. you can see video flooded roads in the downtown area. but on the right it is from video from burbank. that's a suburb of the windy city. and one man that had to be rescued when hits car was stuck in the road. one church without insurance said the city should pay for
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the damages since it always floods. well we have severe weather to talk about across the country. not to mention the bay area. >> let's talk about where the storms hit chicago. over the weekend. and you can see now chicago is now starting to dry out and the storms have moved farther east. and to parts of new york. and this here is where we can see the stronger storms later today. but the threat of storms and some damaging hail and wind gusts. here is what we are expecting for your national forecast today. chicago looking for a high of 84 under partly cloudy conditions. they will get a break from the storms today. new york cloudy. 92 degrees. cloudy at 91. and 101. and highs in the 80s.
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in the bay area. cloudy skies for all of us up in the north bay. for the coast. we have airport delays this morning and arriving flights averaging almost an hour, due to the fog, clouds and construction. if we have patchy drizzle. and then for ical clouds move in. higher humidity and the week we'll see sunny skies and the temperatures not as warm. and no stormy activity. high pressure increased, temperatures today through tomorrow. and the temperatures heating up to the 90s for some locations on monday. today though a lot of 80. and 83 in san jose and to the east bay we go. we're heating up. low 90s. and 89 in danville and we'll add a few degrees to the
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numbers come tomorrow afternoon. and the high for hayward. for oakland. partly cloudy for you today. once the clouds and fog clear out. 75. and low 70s and 69 in san francisco. nice day in the city today. and 80s. and santa rosa 84. here is the 7 day around the bay forecast. upper 90s. it will feel hot and start the school down on tuesday. a chaotic scene at the center in atlanta. there was a stampede at a car and bike show after they thought they heard gunshots. there is no evidence of shots being fired about out it ten people were hurt in the rush to leave the building. several rappers were appearing at the show. one performance was canceled after. the car and bike show attracted more than 30,000 visitors. a teen who is the only
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survivor of a shooting that killed her parents and siblings is thanking the community. we have more about the message that the shipment had at a memorial service. >> standing tall and smiling and waving. >> that's is wonderful. >> like a queen being welcomed home. cassidy stay is more. >> we are in awe how she saved us. >> it captivated a nation. how could anyone survive a mass shooting. >> she had been shot and witnessed the murder of her family. >> and lived to say a word. her grandfather said that angels were there in the home. one by one as the parents and siblings were executed. the angels gave her a message, stay quiet. >> we have wondered whether those angels might have been her brothers and sisters. >> when the killer ron haskell
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left the home she called police preventing more bloodshed. >> for the first time today. she broke her silence. >> i know my mom, dad, brian, emily. becc and zack are in a better place i'll be able to see them one day. >> reporter: for now she hopes they get the messages. >> the community is amazing. it is amazing. written and tied to balloons. releasing them. 195 year old felt comfort and hope and a quote from harry potter. >> happiness can be found in the darkest of times. if one only remembers to turn on the light. >> that is shine and guiding the path of the girl who lost so much in her darkest hour.
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colbie calliet in her video try goes from makeup to bare faced t features other women going through transformations. one of her covers was photo shoved that made her look thinner. that give as false reality and trying to fight that. and tv's cake boss and some friends were rescued after his boat was lost in the new york harbor. the group was returning to a marina in new jersey when they were lost in the fog. they called for help after nearly colliding with another boat. and units towed the group home. he wants to thank them by baking them a cake. and tracy morgan recovering at home. he was released from a center on saturday morning. the actor was hurt when a wal- mart truck driver slammed into the back of his limo on the turnpike. one person was killed.
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morgan and three others are suing saying the negligence is to blame for the injuries. we'll have more after the break but let's take a look outside. this is the approach to the bay bridge. we'll be back. the wi... mobizingo ta on e worl you n't ow "rp." aarpnd i fouatioare taki on nger th 2milln mes doted. ive endungeteam th lal ancie rea theungrst amonus. youon'thinkeed e hung wh youhinkarp, en y don kno"aar" nd me surisi ssibitie and t tonow aarorg/ssibitie heat shields are compromised. we what's that alarm?ures. fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop.
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come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. watch tv virtually anywhere with the u-verse tv app. with at&t, the u-verse revolves around you.
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an act of kindness at a grocery store and as we report, the supervisor at the concord grocery outlet has never seen anything like it. >> you just finished your shopping. you are at the check out standch whatting the total when. >> a fellow asked if he could pay for people's groceries. >> how unusual is that? >> completely. >> and it happened tuesday here at this outlet market on willow pass road in concord. the supervisor says that an average looking man in his 20s
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to mid30s. >> he came in through the doors here. went to the register here. and asked to speak with the manager. >> and after getting the approval he stood here at the edge of the check out stand and waited for the groceries to be range up. right before they were to pay he said. >> i got it. >> he handed our cashier cash. >> why did he want to do it? >> i asked him why. he said why not. >> only if i was here an hour later i would have got. >> it although he missed out on the act of kindness he is heartened just the same. >> that is great what a great heart to do it when so many families are struggling to get by. and they come here to this store. >> a store that happens to be in the middle of a food drive. >> we have a drive going. and independence from hunger. we do it all july where people can come in and donate a bag of
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grocery. >> the mystery man made no mention of that. he paid for the groceries of a half dozen random customers to the tune of $600. he said got to leave guys. he gave a couple of employees hugs and walked out. >> reporter: like that he was gone? >> he was gone. >> that's great. coming up. 49er legendings take the field at candlestick. that's after the break. let's take a look outside. foggy conditions at the golden gate bridge and elsewhere around the bridge. we'll have the forecast next.
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a typical summer start to bay area weather. annie. >> hello, we have temperatures that will be cooling -- they are cool. they will heat up this afternoon. here is a look at the forecast. they are heating up in the 90s. to the bay and more hot for monday, we'll see the 90s. we'll cool things down after that. and including the giant's forecast this afternoon. some of the greatest players taking to the field for a game at candlestick park. and we were there. he has all the highlights.
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it was an all star lineup. the 49ers led by joe montana led the squad led by dan marino. in the stands and tail gating outside. thousands of fans came to see one last game at candlestick before the stadium fades into history. >> one more time and a tail gate here. >> just to be here. to see every single mvp player here. hall of famer is the best. after 80 minutes of gruelling football, the 49ers came out on top. no one here on or off the field cared what the score was. >> people we have not seen for a long time. and it closed a long time ago. >> to be out here and you know hang out with the guys to hang out with joe and see steve. >> and we were able to provide
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a bit more fun. and for the crowd. we came out. well things are getting back to normal at union square following a water main break that flooded high end fashion stores. it has been repaired. crews are on a new under grown muni line caused the spill when they severed a line. it was rushing into the basements of stores keeping the businesss from opening yesterday. firefighters were called in to help. >> our concern is hazards. we had to shut off power to the building. crews and workers work together to save the merchandise and try to clear away the water. illinois word on when they will reopen. >> and over 200 protesters are demanding criminal charges in
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the death of andy lopez. and those involved in that are back on duty. and several protesters came close to facing criminal charges of their own. >> it was billed as rally in support of the 13 year old gunned down after he mistook lopez' rifle for an ak-47. but the rally turned into something more. >> if you look at the parallels what they are doing to the youth here and in palestine, join us. >> children, 52,000 of them fleeing their parents without their parents to find freedom from op session. >> my daughter was killed by doctors. >> after detours, police brutality was the theme. >> i'm so mad right now.
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protesters laid down on the streets to symbolise all fatal officer involved. after demonstrating in the streets, protesters tried to take it to the freeway. dozens of deputies, police and chp set up a command center near the overpass. police confirmed protesters had to be cleared from the freeway. they said no one was detained. they say the demonstrations will persist. but what it is that the crowd supports is not known. >> dan rubben, kron 4. crews are investigating a fire that may have been started by fireworks. it was on wednesday night. they responded to a report of a tree on fire in the area of quail drive. and it caused the blaze to spread to nearby kwrord yards.
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no homes were destroyed but did sustain some damage. the a fire being contained after burning 80 acres. the fire was reported on friday southeast of clayton. orders were in place for homes in the area but lifted and the fire is under investigation. but it appears it started when a car drove into a power pole and knocked down lines that sparked fire. a mountain lion sighting. it is the thirst in san mateo. it was near the highlands neighborhood. they're advising people to avoid running in the wooded area at dawn, dusk and at night when they are most active. and experts say if you encounter one, face the animal, make noise and look bigger than you are. the a's sleepless and winless this weekend in seattle. sports next.
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and then john kerry with other world leaders. the message to iran. that's at # considering 50. the name is lands inn and offers some great views of the ocean. why am i here. it's not for the views because why am i here. it's not for the views because of can't say thank you enough. you have made my life special by being apart of it. (everyone) cheers! glad you made it buddy. thanks for inviting me. thanks again my friends. for everything, for all your help. through all life's milestones, our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. congratulations! thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. you should come celebrate with us. i'd be honored. plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. so you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. chase. so you can.
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and they are starting to hear foot steps in the al-west as the mariners win. this drive from the big blast t keeps the a's winless in seattle for the weekend. 6-2 is the final. the a's lead over the angels down to a game and a half. for giants. marco scutero. he was hit less and a walk. for the hunter pence with the catch in right field.
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giants bats silenced again as they were shut out for. 2-0 is the final for the d backs over the giants yesterday at at&t park. we'll be right back. no rush, andy.
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come on. with the chase mobile app you can get a lot done in a little amount of time from transferring funds wait a minute. you've got to be kidding. did you guys see that? that ball was out. to paying your coach for adding five miles per hour to your serve. that ball wasn't in. get your eyes checked. help me out here. download the best mobile app today. so you can always have the advantage. chase. so you can
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police are looking for a man who was involved in ait had and run. it was in santa rosa early saturday t killed a 21 year old man. police are looking for john mesker. he is wanted for questioning. in southern california. three people have died, five wounded at a home in pasadena. a shoot there this afternoon. the gunman has been taken into custody after he barricaded
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himself in. the shooting started as a landlord tenant dispute. >> wet mess at some retailers in at union square a water main burst near stockton and geary streets. for some retailers were forced to close. repairs were completed about noon. the stores will be open later today. talking weather this morning. we have fog around the area. no surprise. >> that fog creating some drizzle. take a look at the camera. and we see the drizz believe there on our -- on the camera lens there. >> and drizzle for some spots. they will clear out. making way for sunshine. here is how the forecast breaks down. cloudy and drizzle. fog. for the afternoon lots of sunshine and temperatures are in the upper 70s to the 80s by the afternoon. clear and fog developing again after midnight. head lines today, patchy
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drizzle. temperatures will be hot inland. and tomorrow tropical clouds move in. higher humidity. we'll feel sticky conditions at times. for the week sunny, not as hot. clouds out there. warming up because of high pressure 70s to the 80s. nice conditions for the japanese festival this morning going until 8:00. pushing close to 90. and to the east the bay. a nice day heating up especially out to antioch 93. and we're talking 77 in san leandro and richmond n oakland,
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partly cloudy for you this afternoon today once the clouds and fog clear out. high of 70. in alameda. and 61 at motion beach. getting warm in san francisco. close to 70. 80s to the north bay. and napa 84. here is the baseball forecast for today. the d backs and playing the giants this afternoon. the first pitch at 105. and sun and clouds it will be sunny throughout the game. in the 60s. a nice afternoon for baseball. southwest winds. and don't forget the sunscreen. and the forecast. heading tomorrow. 90s inland. 700s to the bay. it will cool things down into the rest of the work week. here is stanley roberts and people behaving badly. an area part of the golden
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gate recreation area offering great views. if you walk far enough even the bridge. >> however, yes, there is a however, for it to be a federal park people don't have march respect for it. this empty pack of camels is not scratching the surface. let's dig deeper. inside of this area what is left of an encampment. there is trash all about. it is not easy to access n some cases, i had to slide down a hill, camera and all. to bring you the imangs. i'm here because of a viewer noticed something that caught his attention so he reached out to me. there are homeless encampments. and being homeless is not behaving badly, leaving trash and debris is like this seat
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cushion used as a bed not to mention all the used ideas. and there is food and liquor bottles but it does not end there. >> i spoke to the park police who say they are doing sweeps over the area to remove the encampments but they return and the process starts all over. the area that is supposed to be a park has been vandalized by people with paint. they spray on rocks and anything that can be sprayed on. the interesting part of the hike is the 3 hundred drop to the rocks below. when i finished the hike i ran across a sign that said area closeed so that the carry can be replaced. it has been ignored by people bent on dry destroying the public land. stanley roberts. a parking app that lets drivers bid on parking spots
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has been temporarily disabled. last month the city attorney ordered a cease and desist to the company had until today to comply. the orders issued to two other parking apps. and one appears to be running. park moto is no longer operating in san francisco. house republicans are moving forward with plans to sue the president. it argued he violated the constitution by delaying a provision of obama care. that is a law they fought to repeal. the president changed the health care law without vote. the president said he is frustrated with the republicans but the speaker defends the plan for legal action. >> every president does the orders. most do them within the law. we're talking about places where the president is rewriting law to make it fit
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his own needs. >> you are going to sue me for doing my job? i feel like saying i'm doing my job. you must be the other guy. >> and the secretary of state joining officials for talks with on iran. it is days before a deadline preventing tehran from developing nuclear weapons. they want to extend the deadline to allow time for negotiations. four people have been injured in the run of -- running of the bulls in spain. today's race is very dangerous. officials say three run remembers hospitalised with head ini grass. one was treated. and 15 people have been killed in the cases since 1924. a new york bound flight from israel was forced to return after flaps on the jet
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failed to retract properly. the flight had 387 people on board and it landed safely this morning. the landing was made out of caution. and switching gears now taking a look at gas prices. the average for regular gallon of cass but here in california it is more. we're seeing 4:10. higher than that. san francisco 4-point 21 and in oakland they are seeing the same price 4 ask:09. a bus and car have collided on an indiana highway. it was east of indianapolis. one person was killed, 18 others have been injured. the car was crushed to badly that you cannot make out the wheels. it is unclear where it was headed and the cause of the accident. still ahead, we'll look
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outside live and see downtown san francisco in the fog. we'll be right back.
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love over. san francisco's so-called hot cop to be a sensation. this is chris kores. he is the hot cop of castro. and that fan page has gone from 8000 to 35,000 likes in less than a week. the pictures posted are from fans who spotted him t the creator said this is a way to show their appreciation for the officer. he loves it and showing how the police department in a positive light. facial hair at the championship saturday in wisconsin. prizes were given for a variety of categories and free style,
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longest period and mustache. >> and it is the midwest championship. and we have guys that we have a guy from guam. california. texas. ohio. all over t bring everyone together. >> and the proceeds benefited a local homeless organization. coming up on the news weekend. a singer is calling out magazine editors for using foy toe shop. we'll explain next. changes are coming to airport security to keep all passengers safe. what you may have to do with electronics if you are traveling initially. we're learning about a grass fire in the east bay. the clayton fire coming up. what's my advice for healthy looking, radiant skin
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a good night's sleep. and aveen® [ female announcer only avee® positively radiant face moisturizer has an active naturals® total soy formula.. one of nature's most effective skin tone correctors. it helps reduce the look of brown spots in just four weeks. and for stubborn spots, there's new aveeno® targeted tone corrector with vitamin a added for faster result [ jennifer aniston ] aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. [ jennifer aniston ] aveeno®. i'll have my usual ultimate cheeseburger. you can have that. or-two new versions of the ultimate cheeseburger. one has sliced jalapeños and creamy ranch sauce,
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the other has sweet and tangy barbecue sauce and grilled onions, plus double meat and cheese like the original. new versions...? two new versions! now, this was just a training video, but these twists on my ultimate cheeseburger will blow people's minds. is that guy ok? a deadly hit and run in the north bay leaves police searching for answers. we're live on the scene with an update for you an apparent landlord/tenant dispute leads to gunfire and three dead in southern california. the world cup final later today, argentina and germany, whose predicted to win. we have the details coming up next. t for joining us on
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kron4 news weekend. i'm marty gonzalez. we'll get things started with a look at the forecast. >> hi marty. it's a cloudy start for your sunday morning and a live look at our bay bridge camera. you can see the clouds out there but when it's cloudy doesn't coffee taste much better? yeah, we also see patchy fog out there. marty likes that and i think he agrees. this afternoon lots of sunshine once the clouds clear out. inland we're talking places like livermore, walnut creek heating up for you today into the 90s and tonight clear skies and they are worried about fog and clouds overnight. highs today though we're looking at 93 in antioch, low 90s in pleasanton, 79 freemont, 80s in the south bay including 81 redwood city, 83 san jose. downtown san francisco pretty nice day pushing close to 70 this afternoon under sunny skies and we're talking mid 80s for our north bay communities including nappa. when i come back i've got your
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forecast for the rest of the week and also your giants forecast coming up a little bit later. marty? >> sounds good, thank you. let's get to the news this morning. authorities in the north bay have identified a suspect in the investigation into a fatal hit and run near santa rosa. kron4 mike pelton live along petaluma road with the latest. mike, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, marty. that accident happened here just north of hunter lane and this morning the chp is looking for 33 year old john mesker saying he's only wanted for question in the incident but they believe he was the driver of the car that hit and killed a 21 year old man yesterday morning. the chp identified him after a resident called authorities to report a vehicle with damage parked along their street. authorities impounded the vehicle and traced the car back to john mesker as the owner but they've not yet found him. the chp says a 21 year old was struck and killed by a vehicle while walking in the southbound lane of petalumaxe hill road yesterday morning around 4:15.
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authorities say the driver left the scene and there were no witnesses to the incident but the chp was on the look out for a car with front end damage leading to the resident çcalli police yesterday afternoon. authorities are asking anybody who knows where mesker is to give them a call and marty at this point they are also still looking for witnesses to this crash as they continue their investigation this morning. mart any. >> mike pelton reporting live from santa rosa. we'll continue to stay on top of the story for you. other news investigators say a fire burning thousands of acres in shasta county was set by a man at an illegal marijuana grow site. officials say freddie smokes iii was at the pot site when the exhaust from his truck ignited dry grass. he was arrested saturday on charges of wrecklessly causing the fire and with marijuana cultivation. that so-called fire has charred 3000-acres and is only 10% contained this morning. at least three people are dead, five others hurt after a shooting in pasadena. we have video from the scene where the shooting happened
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saturday afternoon. and it lead to a standoff with police. they tell us that it may have started as a landlord/tenant dispute. the landlord is among the dead. officers who responded to the scene say they came under heavy fire and had to take cover. >> the officer who was initially on scene saw the victim down on the sidewalk, exited his patrol car and attempted to render aid and that's when he came under fire. >> the suspects weapon is believed to be a rifle of some type. no officers were hurt. they took a man in his 30s into custody. a jersey city police officer is dead this morning after being shot as he responded an armed robbery at a drug store. authorities are saying the 23- year-old officer melvin santiago was shot in the head while still in his police car. officers say that officials say the officer was responding to a robbery call and shot and killed a man who shot santiago. he was not immediately identified. the mayor says an armed security guard at the pharmacy told authorities the man hit
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him and then took his weapon. police believe that weapon was used in the fatal shooting. well happening today anticipation building for todays world cup final in rio. it will be argentina against germany. argentina will was lead by perhaps the world's latest player, massey. but they will have to contend with germany who is the world cup's all-time leading scorer. brazil psychic turtle has spoken out as well the unofficial oracle of the world cup predicting argentina will beat germany in the final today. the game starts at noon, our time, viewing parties will be happening around the bay area today. in san francisco you can watch the game at civic center plaza on the big screen and san jose the game will be on the big screen in st. james park. i'm really thankful for all of the people that have been praying for me and keeping me and my family in their thoughts. >> coming up on kron4 news weekend a teenage girl shot in the head now speaking out about
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that deadly shooting that killed her family. how she survived will have that story coming up at 8:15. plus conflict in the middle east hitting home for bay area residents who took their message to the streets this weekend. what they had to say coming next. a leisurely boat ride turns into a recipe for disaster for a well known tv when sales rep steve hatfield books at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that's how you'll increase market share. any questions? can i get an "a", steve? yes! three a's! amazing sales! he brings his a-game! la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta!
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1000 demonstrators in san francisco speaking out in support of palestine. the arab youth organization organized the protest in the wake of renewed conflict with israel. israeli supporters were also at the rally saturday. in san francisco police had to form a human barricade between the two sides. this is all while tensions are running high in the middle east. air strikes and rocket attacks continue to plague both gaza and israel this weekend and the november 2012 cease fire agreement between israel and gaza is nullified after the death of four teenager and that
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catapulted the region back into conflict. christina mutchler has the latest. >> reporter: hostility between israel and gaza have escalated again, following the killings of three israeli teenagers and one palestinian teenager in the last several weeks. the u-n security council called for a cease fire between israeli forces and palestinian militants saturday, but israeli prime minister had stated the international community will not influence his actions. he says israel is "considering all options and getting ready for every possible scenario." hamas keeps attacking us and there for we are fighting them back. according to palestinian officials the death toll from israel's air strikes on gaza is more than 100 people with nearly 1000 wounded. so far, no israelis have been killed by the militants rockets from gaza. many of them have been intercepted by israeli defense forces. both sides say they are trying to protect their people and they want the fighting to end but neither is willing to be
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the first to back down. >> the palestinians are not willing to have the fight but if there was no chances to have these, they will fight for their dignity, their freedom, their independence and their independent sovreign state. >> our goal is to bring peace and quiet to israel citizens that they don't have to live in fear of these rockets coming in from gaza. too many rockets, hundreds of rockets over the last few weeks, it has to stop. >> the united states has historically sided with israel during middle east earn conflicts. president obama spoke with prime minister over the phone earlier this week and while he reiterated the united states condemnations of attacks against israel he also emphasized the need for all sides to protect civilian and restore calm. christina mutchler reporting. pope francis leading thousands of people at st. peter's square unannounced silent prayer for an end to the warfare in the middle east. the pope calling for prayers for peace in the holy land
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sunday. happy sunday everyone. a cloudy start to the day. you can see from our north bay golden gate camera, we are seeing patchy fog as well and some drizzle, but temperatures are warming up today. more details on your forecast coming up when kron4 news weekend continues after the break.
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for the freshest produce you want to be close to the people who are close to the land. that's why safeway works with over 150 local growers. the folks whose hands are in the soil. planting and nurturing the kind of delicious produce that gets delivered daily to safeway. so there's more local produce to love. like this week, locally grown driscoll's organic strawberries are just $2.50 a pound. safeway, ingredients for life.
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back on kron4 news weekend, for the second time in two days lightning has killed a visitor at rocky mountain national park in colorado. officials say a man in in a wheelchair was hit on saturday in an area called rainbow curve overlook. witnesses say they didn't even see the lightning coming. >> felt like something hit me in the head and i lost my vision and hearing for a solid 10 seconds. >> we turned around and kind of
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assessed the situation there and went over to the man that was down and started doing cpr on him until help came and his t-shirt and stuff was burned but we just wanted to focus on him, they were trying to help him. >> on friday a hiker wassailed by lightning and seven others in her group were hurt as well. now take a look at this video from illinois. heavy rain causing some flooding around the chicago area. on the left you see video of flooded roads downtown chicago but on the right, video from burbank, a suburb of the windy city, one man had to be rescued when his car got stuck in high water. a church in the area lost its flood insurance after the last flood and hasn't even finished rebuilding from that incident. some residents are saying the city should be paying for damages since this area always floods. well nationally they're dealing with some severe weather lightning strikes, flooding in some areas, it's been real tough week. >> yeah it has marty so those storms you saw in chicago have been moving farther eiten the
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ohio valley, upstate new york they are definitely getting their fair share of strong storms, in fact that chicago flooding shutdown taste of chicago yesterday for the first time in the festival history but good news is today they're going to actually open back up because they have generally mostly cloudy conditions right now but these are the storms that move to the east and it's impacting ohio valley, parts of new york up to the northeast and new england as well and some of those storms are going to be bringing down some pretty good rains and also some strong storms including damaging wind gusts and some hail potentially. we could see for chicago today, expecting partly cloudy conditions and nice day in the windy city, high of 84 degrees, cloudy but rain for new york city high of low 80s and 92 in d.c., albuquerque new mexico looking at cloudy conditions with storms possible and dallas hot at 101, and los angeles looking at mid 70s for the afternoon today so here is a look at our golden gate bridge shot. we've got cloudy conditions and a bit foggy and we do have
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drizzle as well but for the eastbay temperatures will be getting up into the 90s for our inland locations, it will be hot with plenty of sunshine once clouds and fog clear out and then tonight i'm expecting clear skies and not worried about the fog. the highs for today mid 70s in oakland, 83 san jose, 91 please abouton, 69 in san francisco, mid 80s in san rafael, çso wha we're expecting is temperatures to warm up. that warming continues through tomorrow along with some higher humidity because of the tropical clouds and then the rest of the week has plenty of sunshine, and so here is a look at your satellite and radar picture so we'll have high clouds, monsoonal moisture coming through starting tonight in the north bay spreading to the rest of the bay area tomorrow so it's kind of sticky tomorrow afternoon with that monsoonal moisture. here is how your highs break down. in san jose looking for a high of 83, 84 for our friends in sunnyvale, hottest temperature in pittsburgh at 95, 92
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livermore, 89 in danville, upper 70s in castro valley and in union city, oakland nice day for you partly cloudy skies, high of 75, 69 in san francisco, low 80s in peta luma and novado. the gains playing this afternoon, arizona diamond backs first pitch at 1:05 under partly cloudy conditions, pretty nice for baseball especially when we're talking upper 60s close to 70 degrees today in the city, with light winds, southwest at 5-10. here is your kron4 seven day around the bay forecast so the heat continues through tomorrow and we'll back off on the heat starting tuesday into wednesday and as for the rest of your work week, mart any. >> thank you. state of california launching its first of its kind attempt to improve the academic lives of foster youth. until now no state has attempted to identify and track the progress of every foster child in public schools so that will change in california this month all part of a new school funding formula directing extra dollars to school districts
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based in part on how many students they have in foster care. the state school systems had been submitting plans to show how they intend to increase or improve services for those specific student groups. it was a chaotic scene saturday night in the georgia world congress center in atlanta. there was a stampede at a car and bike show after some people thought they heard gunfire. police say there's no evidence of any shots being fired but at least 10 people were hurt in the rush to leave the building. several famous rappers were appearing at the show and at least one performance was cancelled after the incident. last year that car and bike show attracted more than 30,000 visitors. a text as teenager who was the only survivor of a shooting that killed her parents and four siblings is thanking her community. we have more about her message at a memorial for the victims. >> reporter: standing tall, smiling and waving. >> that is her mothers prayer.
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>> like a beauty queen being welcomed home, cassidy stay is actually so much more. >> but we continue to be in awe, how she was able to save us. >> the nightmare captivated an entire nation, how could anyone survive a mass shooting. >> she had been shot and had witnessed the murder of her mother, father and siblings. >> and lived to say a word. her grandfather said cassidy told them angels were there, inside that home. one by one as her parents and siblings were executed, those angels, she said, gave her one message, stay quiet. >> we have wondered in the course of the past few dayings whether those angels might have been her brothers and significanters. >> when accused killer ron lee haskell left the home cassidy called police preventing even more blood shed. >> hi guys. >> for the first time today cassidy broke her silence. >> i know that my mom, dad, brian, emily, becca and zach are in a much better place and that i'll be able to see them
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again one day. >> for now, she hopes her angels get these messages. >> my community is amazing, absolutely amazing. >> written and tied to balloons by hundreds of people releasing them to the heavens the 15 year old felt comfort and hope and a quote from harry potter. >> happiness can be found even in the darkest of times. if one only remembers to turn on the lights. >> that light now shining brightly and guiding the path of the young girl who lost so much in her darkest hour. well singer colbie callaite taking a stand in her new video. in this video she goes from full makeup to bare faced. the video also shows other women going through similar transformations. she says one of herbal bum covers was photoshopped to make her look thinner and the artist says that gives a false reality and she wants to try and combat that. tv's cake boss and some
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friends were rescued after his boat got lost in heavy fog in new york harbor. buddy says the group was returning to a marina in new jersey friday night when they got lost in the fog. valastro says they called for help after they nearly collided with another boat. new york rescue units found them and towed the group home. valastro says he wants to thank his rescuers by baking them a cake. commedian tracy morgan is recovering at home from injuries he suffered in an accident last month. morgan was released from a rehab center saturday morning. the actor was seriously hurt when a wal-mart truck driver slammed into the back of his limo on the new jersey turnpike. one person wassailed in the crash. morgan and three others are now sueing wal-mart claiming the truck drivers negligence is to blame for their injuries. good morning. a major security threat for smartphone has been discovered. your information might be at risk, stay tuned to kron4 morning news coming up in my tech report. bulldog: it's true! i am a bundle of talent!
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but my friends are learning skills that can change a life. that's why mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to help train dogs like suzie to engage students in schools and special education classes. while ginger visits folks in the hospital offering quiet comfort. with your help, we can do even more! make a donation at or any mattress discounters. mattress discounters good deed dogs helping dogs help people.
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good morning. before you sell, trade in, or donate your old android phone or tablet, you need to hear this. >> running the factory reset is what you're supposed to do before you let your phone or tablet leave your ownership. it erases everything, wipes it clean and protects you, or so we thought. a reputable redwood city based mobile security firm says they were easily able to recover data from android phones and tablets that had run the factory reset. they bought 20 used android phones from ebay, the previous owners of these phones had run the factory reset but they were able to uncover the following information. more than 40,000 stored photos including 1500 family photos of children, 750 photos of women in various stages of undress, 250 selfies of what appear to be the previous male owners private part, 1000 google searches, 750 e-mails and text
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messages, 250 contact names and e-mail addresses, there are anti-theft apps in the google play store that help you do a thorough wipe to permanently delete and overwrite all the files on your device, supposedly making the personal data in retrievable. you could check into these. >> or you can do what i do. our phones are now our life. all our financial information, e-mails, text messages, videos, pictures, getting $100 for your old used phone is really not worth the risk anymore. i take a hammer, smash it to bits and then recycle those parts. it's hammer time. gabe slate, kron4 news. well a new rule is expanding that will require some passengers to turn on their electronic devises before flying overseas into the u.s.. it will now apply to u.s. domestic flights as well. officials say it will affect a limited number of passengers who already get enhanced screening because they're on watch lists.
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if their electronics won't turn on, they will have to leave them behind or not fly. the measure is in response to concerns that terrorists are trying to figure out now ways to sneak explosives on to airplanes. still ahead on kron4 news weekend, 49ers and nfl legend take the field one last time at candlestick. we'll have the highlights coming up next. let's take this live look outside. golden gate bridge this time around plenty of fog be extra careful as you hit the roadway today. hey there.
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did you select these things on purpose? not a color found nature. there's nothing wrong with tha. i can hear your arteries clogging. ok. no. this is tap water. i can't let you buy this. oh. crystal geyser please. crystal geyser. bottled at the mountain source.
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surprise!lcome back. crystal geyser alpine spring crystal geyser. news flash, it's bottled at the source. news flash, we sell it in cases. oh. thank you. oh no no no. crystal geyser. bottled right at the mountain source. we're back on kron4 news weekend talking weather this time around, annie here to tell us about the foggy conditions in some spots around the bay area. >> hi, marty. foggy again, i feel like a broken record but it's pretty typical around this time of year in the bay area. in fact we are seeing drizzle out there our san mateo camera so we are seeing mist as well. here is how your south bay forecast is breaking down today. cloudy this morning, drizzle with patchy fog, in fact over
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at sfo, we do have delays on arriving flights averaging about an hour because of the low clouds and construction. for this afternoon though, sunny skies, lots of sunshine with light wind, temperatures will be in the lower 80s for our inland locations, the south bay to upper 70s and then tonight, clear skies and the fog and clouds should be staying away. in fact here is a look at the delay this morning out of sfo averaging 56 minutes but you can see oakland and san jose have no delays. more details on your forecast, we're heating up even more tomorrow, marty, i'll let you know exactly about how much coming up a little bit later. back to you. >> thank you. well a company we told you about earlier this week is trying to evict another elderly san francisco woman from our home of more than four decades. well now she talks with kron 4 alecia reed about the toll that took on her family. >> reporter: llea roderman contin ues for a year and a half after a tragedy in their family. >> i just feel like as if i've aged 10 years.
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i still haven't unpacked my boxes or unpacked my husband's things because i just don't have the energy. >> back in 2012, urban green investments bought the pine street building when her husband charles had been renting for the last 43 years. soon after they were served eviction notices with a buyout option. >> they were really nasty and they prey upon old people and they prey upon my guess as landlords who are financially in trouble. >> everyone in the building had to leave, including their neighbor downstairs who was diagnosed with cancer that same year. sadly she passed away before the deadline and 77 year old charles who suffered from a heart condition fell down the steps and was mostly bedridden. >> a broken collar bone, broken shoulder, bruised sternum and he got six stitches. >> but that didn't matter to them at all. they wanted us to move out.
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>> winifred and charles used all their savings to buy a home here in san francisco. charles visited once during the buying process but didn't live to see the move-in date. >> all of the stress of the eviction and going down the stares and i think it just did him in. if this hadn't happened he would still be alive. >> winifred is still numb to everything that happened in 2012 and has no idea when she will get past all of it. reporting in san francisco, alecia reed, kron4 news. >> kron4 is trying to reach urban green investments for comment but we're still waiting to hear back. things are getting back to normal in union scare. a water main break yesterday flooded a block of high end fashion stores has been repaired. construction crews working on a new underground line caused the spill when they severed an eight inch water pipe early saturday morning. the water rushed into the basement of some nearby stores and that kept the businesses from opening yesterday. san francisco firefighters
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called out to help out cleaning up the spill but thousands of gallons of water put more than clothes in danger. >> our concern is electrical hazards, some of the buildings have so much water in their basement we had to shut off power to the building there's no chance of anybody getting electricuted. >> fire crews and workers work together to save the merchandise and clear away the water. no word just yet on when those stores will be able to reopen. the monterey county sheriffs office wants to warn business owners about scams reported recently. they say the most recent scam involves fraudulent invoices being sent to businesses for fire inspections that never take place or sent out by a fake fire inspection company. sheriffs office officials say that similar scam is targeting businesses that use toner cartridges for toner and fax machines, companies are receiving invoices and paying for the supplies before they realize the invoice is part of a scam. the company pays for but never receives the supplies. fire crews continue to investigate a blaze that may have been started by illegal
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fireworks that happened in fairfield wednesday night. fire crews responded a report of a tree on fire in the area of quail drive and benet court. gusting winds caused the blaze to spread to nearby yards. no homes were destroyed in the fire but some houses did sustain damage. a fire in contra costa county contained after burning 80-acres officials say the march fire was reported friday, southeast of clayton. evacuation orders were in place for homes in the area but were lifted saturday morning. the cause of the fire remains under investigation but officials say it appears that it started when a car drove into a power pole knocking down power lines that sparked the fire. one man has been arrested after nappa investigators found 2800 marijuana plants in nappa county. the arrest and drug seizures were part of a result of aerial flight over rural parts of nappa county. the large scale outdoor marijuana operation was on mount veder road so on wednesday, agents snuck into the area, they discovered a day
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camp, a loaded rifle and a shrine to the patron saint of drug traffickers. javier gomez was arrested on suspicion of cultivation and possession of marijuana for sale. some of the greatest players in 49ers and nfl history took to the field one last time at candlestick park and kron4 charles clifford was there with the highlights. >> reporter: it was an all-star line up. the home team 49ers lead by joe montana took on an nfl squad qb'd by dan marino. in the stands and tailgating outside, thousands of fans came to see one last game at candlestick before the stadium fades into history. >> wanted to come out one more time, have another tailgate here and have a good time. >> just to be here to see every single mvp player here, hall of famer is the best. >> after 80 minutes of somewhat grueling flag football the 49er team came out on top but no one
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here on or off the field really seemed to care what the score was. >> this is more of saying hello to people and people we haven't seen for a long time. >> football closed a long time ago. to be out here and to just hang out with the guys, to hang out with joe, to see steve, a lot of great memories in here, just one of those things that we were able to provide a little bit more for the crowd and luckily we came out. >> in san francisco, charles clifford, kron4 news. >> came out ahead and no injuries yesterday so that's good. welcoming up on kron4 news weekend celebrations happening all over the bay area in honor of bastille day. coming up at 8:45 we'll take a look at the best places you can celebrate. secretary of state john kerry is in vienna this morning along with other world leaders. kerry is in vienna this morning along with other world leaders. theat shields are compromised. we have multiple failures.
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in world news this morning secretary of state john kerry joining his counterparts from great britain, france and germany in vienna for a new round of nuclear talks with iran. the negotiations taking place just days before a deadline for an agreement that would prevent them from developing nuclear weapons, but it appears both sides want to extend the deadline to allow more time for negotiations. four people have been injured in this years running of the bulls in spain. you're looking at video from last years event. todays race has proved to be very dangerous as officials say three runners were hospitalized with head injuries, one was treated for a chest injury. all told 15 people have died in the running of the bull races since 1924. 8:41 this morning coming up great places to celebrate bastille day. we'll get into that when we come back and another live look outside a view from mount tam. annie has the forecast when we come back.
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welcome back. time now 8:45 on your sunday morning, here is a live look from our roof camera above our studios in san francisco and we have cloudy skies out there and some fog along with some drizzle this morning. the temperatures will be a little warmer this afternoon compared to yesterday. we'll be heating up especially inland today. tomorrow, you'll still be hot especially for the eastbay communities and we'll see tropical clouds move in which means higher humidity for the rest of us, and maybe an extra frizzy hair day potentially and for the rest of the week, mostly sunny and not as warm, so we're looking at clouds and fog impacting good portion of the bay area this morning, visibility is reduced for some locations but looks like right now we're going to see plenty of sunshine for the afternoon and temperatures are going to be fairly cool to start off so we're looking at 58 degrees in oakland, 56 in san francisco, upper 50s in san jose, mid 60s in antioch, low 60s in concord. highs for this afternoon a lot of 80s to the south bay, 83 for
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our friends in san jose, upper 70s in mountain view, 81 degrees in redwood city and to the eastbay we go this is where we'll see the hottest numbers once again, no surprise there, a high of 95 in pittsburgh, 92 in fairfield, low 80s in valejo, along the creek looking at low 90s in pleasanton, 89 in dan advice, 77 degrees for san leandro. oakland partly cloudy conditions this afternoon high of 75, 69 in downtown san francisco, mid 80s in san rafael, and 80 in novado. here is your seven day around the bay forecast so heating up today but tomorrow will be the hottest day with temperatures in the upper 90s inland, upper 70s to the day close to 80 and even the coast looking at mid 60s and then tuesday begins our cool down, looks liked toes giants forecast looks really good for the pitch at 1:05 this afternoon with their game against the arizona diamond backs. more details on your forecast a little bit later. marty?
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>> thank you. well if you love the fourth of july you might be a fan of bastille day, the beginning of the french revolution. tomorrow on july 14th the popular event in the bay area here to tell us more about it great ways to celebrate around the bay is yelp's eastbay community manager dominique farar who brought in the color of france to help celebrate it's blue, red and white. >> exactly. this first place you wouldn't expect to celebration to take place at a library. >> exactly. yeah the first celebration is in san francisco at the mechanics institute. they are doing a cabaret concert and i have to admit i had to look up things to do. i had no idea what it was so went to yelp to read about it. it's really a unique spot. they call it one of sf's hidden gems in a nine story historic building and it's a private library. it's just beautiful, so really cool venue to see any kind of event and they're doing this concert with one of san
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francisco's most beloved gypsey jazz bands so they will have that along with french food and wine and it's just a cool excuse to see this beautiful building with some great french music on the side. >> i'm glad the yelpers brought that up because i never heard of this. you said you had to look it up you hadn't heard of it either. >> there's a lot of really hard to find books there just an amazing inflection and since its membership only it's just like a little more calm than s. >> well that's fantastic. let's move on to another place to celebrate in san francisco? >> yeah, is claud lane so if you've ever been to claud lane you'll know it's unofficial french quarter in san francisco. they got a handful of restaurants all really highly rated on yelp, and the pastry and they've got a handful of restaurants there such as cafe claud, claudine, and now gas bar is right around the corner so their way of celebrating is
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creating some special wine and pre-fixed meals for $17.89, which of course is homage to the liberation of 1789 and they are also doing fun things in the evening monday they are going to have marie antoinette impersonator going out handing treats, and live music and fun stuff like that. >> that sounds great especially considering the fact that that is one area that seems like a little slice of france. >> exactly. so european. >> that's great. let's move to the eastbay now. >> yeah, this is an event a little more calm, no less french and it is the annual bastille day, garlic festival so obviously there's french connections. >> of course. >> the name comes from character in a french novel and every year they do this all garlic menu on bastille day so you have to go with a partner who really loves garlic too.
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so they will have jazz quartet called the bagette quartet also and it's just a cool way if you haven't been there, this is a really fun way to experience it monday night. >> i would guess the reservations are a must? >> absolutely. i would call them right now and see if you can snag a seat for tomorrow. >> i'd be surprised if there's anything left. >> well the cafe and restaurant will both have garlic menu so your chances are a little better. >> that's fantastic especially if you haven't been there before. also in the eastbay what else is going on? >> actually moving to the north bay we've got what better place to celebrate than in wine country, the thomas keller family of restaurants host this annual bastille day street festival. you see the blue, white and red, those are a famous part of this event and what makes this year extra special is it's the 14th year that they're celebrating july 14th. >> what are they doing? >> they are doing special
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things. they will have a dunk tank so you can take your shot at trying to dunk thomas keller and other celebrity chefs and have all sorts of french food like the tart flambey which is a really thin crust onion pizza, have whole roasted pigs and of course those famous macaroons. >> and crepes as well. >> yes, i should note this is a kid friendly event during the day and towards the evening it will be more grown up with cocktails and wine and things like that. >> and to round things off? >> to round things off we have the cabaret in novado at the hot monk tavern. this is a really fun spot putting on great shows and this is a cabaret mulan rouge, they call it the cheapest ticket to paris you'll ever buy so i'm sold and the show will have madam moiselle doing her show and the dancers, so it should
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be really fun and of course be at the tavern beforehand. >> and tickets? >> tickets are 20-$30 and you should definitely reserve a table so there you go. >> well that sounds great. as usual the yelpers have done a good job of presenting something all around the bay, something for everybody. viva la france. >> we'll be right back.
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a louisiana cook says he got some heavenly encouragement in the form of an eggplant. you have to see this for yourself. this is at a restaurant in baton rouge. the chef was slicing up an eggplant, pretty standard thing but one special eggplant had what the restaurant was calling a message from heaven. the letters god spelled out. the owner says he's been in the restaurant business for nearly 50 years a once in a lifetime find. >> you could cut a million eggplants and won't see that
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again. it's rare. god is within us and he has different ways of showing within our lives and it's every one of them. >> well so was a divine intervention is a higher power trying to reach us through food? the chef says they don't care. they just know there's someone else there. move over hot felons, san francisco so-called hot new internet sensation. this st. motorcycle officer whose been nick named the hot cop of castro on a facebook fan page. that has grown from 8,000 likes to over 35,000 likes in less than a week. the photos are posted from fans who spotted him around town. the pages creator says this is a way people can show their appreciation for the officer. meantime chris loves the page and how it's showing the sfpd in a positive light. take a look at this road shutdown at yellowstone national park because it has melted. the park says extreme heat has
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caused thick oil to bubble up to the surface making the road unsafe. this is part of the fire hole lake drive, a popular scenic road that takes slid it fors past great fountain geyser, white dome geyser and fire hole lake but it's closed for the time being at least for the next few days until that road is repaired. we want to take you outside for this live look, toll plaza on the left and golden gate bridge on the right. you can see some overcast skies we have the forecast coming up in just a couple minutes. we'll be right back. d fomanyit'sbes stggleo ke youa1c wn. so imagine, what ither waa neclasof micinthat works diffentlto lowebloosuga image, ling ur nbers inoducg onceailynvoka® it's the fst oa ne nd opresipti medine that'ssed ong th dt and erci to wer ood sugar indult th te 2 abet.
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final, argentina and germany. details next. good sunday morning to you, we kick off with a look at the forecast. >> you didn't read the prompter. it is the last hour. we have sunshine later this afternoon. we have a cool start out there. it is 56 in san francisco. 58 san jose. livermore at 59. highs for today, we will heat things up in the east bay. antioch 92. upper 80s in concord. partly cloudy in downtown san
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francisco. highs in the upper 60s, close to 70. it is free parking at most meters in the city today. i will enjoy that in union square. more on the forecast later. >> thank you, annie. they identified a suspect in a fatal hit in run near santa rosa near petaluma hill road. >> reporter: good morning. john is wanted for questioning. they believe he was the driver behind the wheel of a car on petaluma hill road at hunter lane. there were cars with damage long the street. they traced it back to john
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metsger. a man was struck and killed while walking in the road. one neighborhood heard the crash. >> it was bizarre. it was like you hear in a movie. i thought it was a wild animal or something. >> reporter: the chp tells us the injuries sustained are consistent be being hit by a vehicle. if you know where john metsger is call police. no one actually saw what happened. >> we saw cared speeds up behind you. seems like they are going at a high rate behind you. >> reporter: i think it is
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posted at 45 or 50. chp says there isn't really a shoulder. don't know where he was in the roadway, but there isn't a lot of room to walk. >> and at 4:15 it is dark out there. other news this morning. a fire burning in shasta county set by a man with an illegal marijuana plant. he was arrested on charges for setting the fire and marijuana cultivation. it charred 3,000 acres and 10% contained. 3 people dead and 5 others hurt in a shooting saturday in pasadena. it led to a stand off in a
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landlord dispute. the landlord is dead. >> the officer initially on scene saw the victim on the sidewalk and attempted to render aid and was under fire. >> no officers were hurt. they took a man in his 30s in custody. things are back to normal in union square after a water main break has been repaired. crews working on the underground muni line fixed the pipe. the water rushed into stores. san francisco fires were called to clean up the spit. thousands of gallons of water put more than clothes in
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danger. >> they wanted to make sure no know was electrocuted. >> they needed to clear the water. no word on when the stores will reopen. california is the first state attempting to improve the academic lives of foster youth. until now no state his attempted to track youth. they are directing dollars based on how many students are in foster care. the state school system had to submit plans how to increase services for those groups. a jersey city police officer is dead after responding to an armed robbery. melvin santiago was shot in the
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head in his patrol car. officers responded. the mayor said an armed security guard said the man hit him and took his weapon. police believe that weapon was used in the shooting. the world cup is argentina and germany. they will have to contend with the world cup's leading scorer. the brazil turtle has spoken out. this game starts at noon our time. viewing parties will happen around the bay at usual. you can watch at civic center plaza and st. james park.
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we will be right back. ♪ ♪
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thank you! thank you! dedicated bankers born to go the extra mile. you've been such a big help. it's what i like to do. so you can choose a bank where helping people comes first. chase. so you can.
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back on kron4. a teenager helped rescue a young boy who was in a hot car while his mother was working. >> she said thank you and he waved to me. and went inside. >> reporter: close to 80 degrees that afternoon. it was hot. temperatures inside this car could have reached between 120 and 130 degrees. a little boy was left alone without water for 2 hour hour. >> no drinks or food. he could have died. >> reporter: he could barely reach the steering wheel. >> i said are you okay? he said no.
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>> the teenage talked him to the back donor. >> he said no i'm not okay. >> reporter: no. >> he was a little boy. he was hot and sweaty by himself. he was tired. >> she took one look at him and called 9-1-1. >> i said where is your mom? he said working. >> reporter: she didn't come outside until police came out. mack asked if anyone checked on him. >> he said i have been in here since 4:00. i'm like it is 6:30. he has been in here 2 and a half hours by himself. >> reporter: she was arrested.
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>> it makes me happy his mother can't harm him and he is safe and in good hands. >> we will talk about the illegal immigration issue with michael yaki. we have a live look outside. the forecast straight ahead.
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the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it. and dogs, well, they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus.
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we're back on kron4news. want to get an update on the weather forecast from annie. >> reporter: hi marty. on the lens we have drizzle. it is a cloudy start for the bay area, but it will be hot inland. tomorrow clouds move in to the forecast area and the humidity levels will go up. it may feel sticky. mainly sunny skies and
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temperatures not as warm the rest of the week. we do have that marine layer pretty deep today. all of us waking up to cloudy conditions and fog. temperatures warming up because of high pressure taking control today and strengthening tomorrow. 50s and 60s including san jose. 59 in oakland. highs for today a mixed bag of 70s and 80s. in an jose looking at 83, 84 in 84 in los gatos. in antioch 90s. 90s in walnut creek. 77 in san leandro and oakland
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partly cloudy skies. 70s for the afternoon. 69 in berkeley. close to 70 in downtown san francisco. 72 in san bruno. here is the kron4 7-day. temperatures plenty warm. tomorrow that warmth strengthens pushing close to a 100 for our east bay communities. it will be fairly comfortable the arrest the rest of the week. heating passions across the country. we have michael yaki. let's talk about what this crisis is about. >> it started much longer than october.
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but october to now 52,000 minors presented themselves at the border. you saw in murrieta people were blocking the buses and taking the kids to relocation centers. you have a situation of young people coming from central america like el salvador and guatemala. you have a 42% increase. you have a lot of rhetoric over what this is all about. in context, 50,000 people amongst millions isn't a big deal but in terms of immigration policy it is higher than anyone anticipated and has overwhelmed the united states' ability to respond.
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essentially the agency's hhs will run out of money unless they get more funds. you have a situation where you have a lot of rhetoric. the president has to go to the bored are. this is katrina. this is a refugee area. they have interviewed a lot of children. they are fleeing violence from their country. if you look at el salvador and guatemala they have the highest murder rates due to drug trafficking. >> this has gone on since the 80s. back then it was government
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oppression. >> in honduras we supported in 2009 ironically. we have ape a hand in that as well. the government has run out of money. they can't deport them because of a law in 2008. >> from both houses. >> it is sign said by george bush. it was to protect children fleeing oppression and violence and sexual and human trafficking. it gave them the right to be placed with a family member in the u.s. and entitled to a hearing. >> that can take up to 18 months. >> it can take 2 to 3 years. here there is a great placement center for children who are coming through the whole
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system. now immigration is a flash point issue. everyone is running around screaming saying our borders are a sieve. you have rhetoric on what is argue ably a severe humanitarian refugee issue. you look at the murder rates in these countries and the children at the borders there is a direct correlation. a lot of these are children who are 5 and 7. >> there is a lot of chest beating which usually happens. what do you see happening when the dust settles? >> well, interesting you should say that. i think there is probably going to be money given to the government by the congress. >> president is asking for $4 billion. >> that's a lot of change.
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john mccane said we want them to stop sending the kids over. others are saying we should deport them as rapidly as possible. >> which is against the law. >> and there are interesting side points. john bohneer said they wanted to do it. the president doesn't want to do it there. he will have another lawsuit from the left not the right. it is a no win situation. the thing about this the people have to realize is it is children. it's kids. these are not gangs and adults. >> they are mothers and children. >> mothers and children in horrible conditions. how will we respond? this is what our nation has
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stood for. that is what the statue of stood for. that is what the statue of hey, if you could be any dinosaur, which would you be? t-rex. that's dumb, cuz when you're hungry late at night, your little t-rex arms couldn't stuff your face with - my new chick-n-tater melt munchie meal. it's got crispy chicken, hash browns, and gooey cheese on a buttery croissant. that's french. ok, i get it. so what would you be? a long armed t-rex. jerk.
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land's end, part of golden gate national recreation area offers spectacular views of the ocean. if you walk far enough even the golden gate bridge. however, yes, however, people don't have much respect for it. this empty pack of camels isn't scratching the surface. let's dig deeper. in this tree cave it looks like an incapment. there is trash all over. it is not an easy place to
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access. in some places i had to slide down a hill camera and all to bring you these images. people jog around the area noticed this. there were hopeless encampments. while being homeless is not behaving badly, leaving trash is like this seat cushion. i spoke to the police who said they do sweeps over the area. they return and the process starts all over again. this is supposed to be a national park. it has been vandalized with spray cans. the interesting part about my hike is a 300-foot drop to the
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rocks below. i ran across the signs that read area closed so it can be restored. it has been ignored by people who destroy public land. at land's end. stanley roberts kron4news.
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happy sunday everyone. the marine layer is thicker than the last few mornings. there is a cloud of fog above it. the fog should be clearing by the afternoon. the satellite shows a better picture of it impacting the bay area and through parts of the bay and san jose. half moon bay visibility was down to half a mile.
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temperatures will warm up when the fog clears. we should see warmer conditions. sfo is averaging an hour delay because of the clouds and construction. highs we are talking 69. 83 in san jose. 91 in pleasanton. when i come back we will talk about the giants forecast this afternoon. marty. thank you. imagine living in a shack with no toilet, kitchen or running water. there are trips to ethiopia to build homes. she documented it on her cell phone. alicia, explain what it was like being there for 2 weeks. >> imagine your parents, your
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parents parents not ever having a toilet or using a toilet but using a plastic bag and going in a corner and useing it. those are the conditions i saw while i was visiting. it is a village in ethiopia. i put on gloves and work boots and was with my teammates. we installed 12 sanitation pits. we paints another house for another family about to move in. [ cheering and applause ] >> reporter: celebrating your first home can be exciting. millie and michael have been waiting a lifetime for this day. before all this celebrating the couple had to put in sweat
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equity. >> thank you very much. >> i am very very happy. >> happy. i am happy. >> reporter: to qualify for habitat for humanity, each family makes $25 a month or $6 a week. there is a payment plan for the mortgage. there are families who can't afford a bill and are in desperate need. >> many of these people have never used a toilet. they use plastic bags. there are plastic bags littered everywhere. >> they have no option. some people burn their feces or trash. >> most of this family if not all are using for the last many
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years. >> a pit. >> it is a question of humanity. >> reporter: this 35-year-old and her children are in a tinny shack. she came out to help build. >> [ indiscernible ] >> reporter: these toilets will help 5 people in each. that is 70 individuals. that may sound extreme but the people here can't wait. >> they haven't had toilets for decades. they are so proud. >> the sanitation pit only made a fraction of a difference. >> it helped give more purpose
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to my life. what i take for granted i learned to share. i gained more from the families and the experience than i think i give. >> despite the challenges people face, they are welcoming and smiling and engauged with us. it make its worth while. >> wow. this is the tour you don't see. it is striking. >> for example, let me show you. say this is global poverty. this small dot is the work that habitat global village does. >> a drop in the ocean. >> that's why it is important for advocacy and for people to get involved. there is so much work that needs to be done. there is always more that needs to be done. >> and the small victories you
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can walk away with. if you look at it as a small dot, it is something i can do. what motivated you to go? >> i volunteer already. i wanted to do it on a bigger scale. i did research and ended up in ethiopia. >> plans to go again? >> to put it in perspective, the majority of the people on my team did a number of builds already. there was my first build. there was a guy, monty, this was his 15th build. can you imagine? this is the impact it his when you are there. there is no stopping no. >> glad to hear it. welcome back. >> absolutely. >> we will be right bag.
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back. ♪ great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle, see how much you could save. ♪ great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle, see how much you could save.
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in world news secretary of state john kerry, france and germany in vienna in talks talks with iran. four people injured in the running of the bulls in spain. today's race proved to the dangerous. officials say 3 runners were helpized with head injuries. one with a chest injury. 15 people have been killed since 1924. a new york bound delta airline flight from israel had to turn around. it landed safely. the emergency landing was made
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out of caution. passengers are asked to turn on electronic devices will happen within domestic flights. it will affect limited passengers who are on watch lists. they will have to leave them off or not fly. terrorists are trying to figure out how to get explosives on planes. we have highlights of the football game at candlestick. a live look outside. forecast when we come back.
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welcome to everything for real estate segment. hi susan. >> hi sharon. >> people know you as a real estate expert. in the bay area are homes on the rise? >> it has risen to 540,000. in 2014 we saw appreciation. we have seen some buyers dropped out of the market. >> would this still be considered a sellers market? >> there is low inventory.
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there is less competition. home owners can sell as they don't have to spend as much to fix it up. people wanting to move up should take advantage. >> who can help? >> every situation is different. we help people get prequalified and buy the right home for them and work with equity sales. those wanting to move up, we are conducting short sales. people who need to conduct a short sale, time is of the essence. >> thanks, suzanne. if you want a consultation, contact her at 800-893-6665.
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experts you can trust. bulldog: it's true! i am a bundle of talent! but my friends are learning skills that can change a life. that's why mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to help train dogs like suzie to engage students in schools and special education classes. while ginger visits folks in the hospital offering quiet comfort. with your help, we can do even more! make a donation at or any mattress discounters. mattress discounters good deed dogs helping dogs help people.
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we are back on kron4news. time to check out the weather forecast with annie. >> reporter: coffee kicking in. here is a look at the golden gate bridge. the marine layer is thicker this morning. a lot of folks driving in from the north bay said it was foggy. 1 and a half miles for half moon bay. today patchy morning drizzle. temperatures heating up inland. tomorrow cloud moving in. higher humidity. here is the sat satellite of the clouds and fog.
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this afternoon we will see the clouds and fog out of here with a mixture of partly cloudy conditions. 50s and 60s. the warm spot is antioch at 71. a lot of 80s and low 90s. 84 in cupertino. 90s for evergreen. east bay warming up to 95 like pittsburgh. union city looking for a high of 78. oakland partly cloudy for you. low 70s in alameda. upper 70s in san mateo.
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mid-80s in napa. the giants play the as as diamondbacks. don't forget sun screen. low 90s by tuesday with high clouds in the forecast. i will say hi to my friends going to the obon festival. it is a great day to celebrate japanese culture. all right. one final football game at candlestick park. >> reporter: it was an all-star line up. the 49ers led my joe montana q.b.s by dan marino. in the stands and tailigating outside thousands of fans came to see one last game at candlestick before the stadium
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is history. >> just to be here to see every mvp player is the best. >> reporter: after 80 minutes of grueling flag football, no one here really seemed to care what the score was. >> it was just saying hello to people. football closed a long time ago. >> just to hang out with the guys and joe and steve. >> we wanted to provide more fun for the crowd. >> reporter: charles clifford, kron4news. demanding criminal charges in the 13-year-old shooting of andy lopez. the officer was cleared of
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wrong doing. several protestors came close to criminal charges. >> reporter: the rally in support of the 13-year-old gunned down by a sheriff's deputy after he mistook his replica as an ak47. the rally evolved into more. >> if you want a parallel to what they are doing to our youth here and the youth in palestine, let me hear you. children, 52,000 of them fleeing their countries to leave oppression. >> reporter: after several detours. >> i am so mad right now! >> reporter: protestors laid down on santa rosa streets.
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signs in support were carried along the way and gang signs. after demonstrating protestors tried to take it to the freeway. sheriffs deputies and chp set up a command center over this 101 overpass. protestors say it will persist. if the crowd supports is not known. crews continue to investigate a fire started by illegal fireworks in fairfield. fire crews responded to a tree on fear. gusty winds caused the fire to spread. a fire in contra costa
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county. south east of clayton evacuations were in place but lefted saturday morning. the cause under investigation. it started when a car drove into a power pole sparking the fire. another mountain lion sighting. police say it was spotted in wooded areas at dawn, dusk and at night when they are more active. if you encounter one. face the animal, make noise and try to look bigger than you are. taking a stand against photo shop in an video called try. she goes from full make up to bare faced. other women are going through
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transformations. the artist said photo shop gives a false reality. cake boss was rescued after his boat was lost in fog. he was returning to a marina when they got lost in the fog. they called for help after nearly colliding with a boat. he wants to thank his rescuers by baking a cake. tracy morgan home. he was released from rehab saturday morning. he was seriously hurt when a wal-mart truck driver slammed into his limo. he is suing wal-mart saying the driver is to blame for their
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injuries. top stories after the break. we will be right back.
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taking a look at big stories. police looking for a man involved in a hit and run along along petaluma hill road. they are looking for john mesger. 3 people have died. 5 other it is injured at a shooting in pasadena. the gunman is in custody after barricading himself. it was a landlord tenant dispute. union square saturday a water main burst at stockton
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and geary. the stores are expected to open today. here is one last look at your 7-day forecast, marty. we have patchy drizzle, clouds, and fog. we will see mostly sunny conditions, highs in the 90s. it is a little warmer out there. mid-70s for the bay. tomorrow even warmer yet. 90s inland. temperatures will back off tuesday and into wednesday. no major changes after that for the rest of the week into next week. a lot going on today, giants playing and san jose japanese obon festival. don't forget sun screen. >> have a great weekend.
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discover the champion in you! . . (applause) well, god bless you. it's always a joy to come into your homes. if you're ever in our area please stop by and be a part of one of our services. i promise you we'll make you feel right at home. but thanks so much for tuning in and thank you again for coming out. i like to start with something funny. i heard about these three sons that left home, went out and prospered. they got back together to talk about the gifts they had bought their elderly mother. the first said, "i built mom a big house." the second said, "i got her a fancy car." the third said, "since mother loves to read the bible but she can barely see i got her a specially trained parrot that can quote the entire bible." (laughter)


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